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Valka est le nom donné aux plus puissants des magniens qui sont intervenus lorsque l'humanité était au bord de l'extinction à la fin de la Seconde Grande Guerre, en repoussèrent les dredges si loin au nord de la région de Valkajokull, qu'ils ne furent plus considérés comme une menace. Certains pensent que les valkas ont commis un génocide sans précédent, d'autres pensent qu'ils ont été forcés à retourner sous terre, car même les dredges ne peuvent survivre dans ces contrées glacées et désertiques. [1] Après les pires des Grandes Guerres, tout le monde croyait que les Valkas avaient complètement vaincu les dredges. En vérité, ils leur ont offert la paix. En échange de l’utilisation de la puissance du soleil, ils leur ont montré comment s’épanouir sur leurs propres terres et procréer.[2]

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  1. Dans The Banner Saga - Description de Valkajokull :
    At the great war's end, it was the Valka, the first menders, who would push the dredge so far into the north that they were no longer a threat. Some believe the Valka committed genocide of an unfathomable magnitude, others believe the dredge were forced to return underground, for not even they can survive these bleak, lifeless ice plains. In any case, if the dredge could be said to inhabit any lands, it is those named after their vanquishers.
  2. Dans The Banner Saga 3 - Chapitre 21 :
    Juno : The stonesingers believe we have betrayed them. Early on, we discovered that the black sun was a far greater source of power than our own. After the worst of the great wars, everyone believed the Valka utterly defeated the dredge. In truth we offered them peace. In exchange for use of the sun's power, we showed them how to flourish within their own lands, and create more of their own kind.[...]In a way. We only shared knowledge. It has always been a difficult question of how much control to exert. But now they believe we caused this destruction on purpose. They think that we wish to wipe them out, and like anyone would, they fight back. They're scared and frenzied, and will not listen. We have failed them as much as we have failed everyone else.